Heidi E. Opinsky

The Law Offices of Heidi E. Opinsky, LLC

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Fairfield County Paternity Lawyer

Acknowledgment of Paternity in CT & NY

Acknowledgment of paternity in CT or NY may be necessary if a child is born out of wedlock or as the result of marital indiscretions. In either case, the paternity of such a child may be called into question and formal acknowledgment of paternity needs to take place.

How Is Acknowledgement of Paternity in CT & NY Done?

Second, either parent can file a petition with the court asking for a paternity hearing. This process is typically resolved through DNA testing.

While paternity determination can establish a father’s right to visitation and a mother’s right to support, it can also benefit the child. For instance, the child will not only be able to enjoy a meaningful relationship with his or her father, but establishing paternity will also create potential inheritance rights from the father’s estate.

Compassionate And Experienced Legal Counsel

If you have questions about acknowledgement of paternity in CT or NY, you need to speak to a knowledgeable lawyer right away. With over 30 years of legal experience, Fairfield County Paternity lawyer Heidi E. Opinsky can help you resolve any paternity-related issue, including matters arising during a moderate or high net worth divorce. Reach out to Ms. Opinsky online or call her at 203-653-3542. With offices in New York City and Stamford, Connecticut she assists clients throughout the surrounding areas, including Manhattan, Greenwich, Fairfield and Westport.